TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)

The most extensively used assessment of your English language proficiency is the TOEFL exam. You can use this test to help you get into the majority of schools and universities worldwide. The “Educational Testing Service,” situated in the US, administers the TOEFL exam (ETS). The test is created, administered, and the score report is sent to each test taker by ETS. You have a choice of taking the TOEFL test in either the Internet-based test (iBT) or the paper-based test format (PBT). The format you use is determined on where your exam facility is.

The TOEFL exam is administered online.


Type of Question

No. of Question



3-5 passages; approximately 700 words long; 12-14 questions per passage.


 60-100 minutes


4-6 lectures, some with classroom discussion; each 3-5 minutes long; 6 questions each. 2-3 conversations; each 3 minutes long; 5 questions each.


60-90 minutes


2 tasks to express an opinion on a familiar topic; 4 tasks to speak based on what is read and listened to.

6 tasks

20 minutes


1 task to write based on what is read and listened to; 1 task to support an opinion on a topic.

 2 tasks

50 minutes

 Total score


Test Score:

After your test date, your results are posted online and delivered to you in about 15 business days. A good result is 90 or more on the TOEFL iBT, which is graded on a scale of 0 to 120 points.

TOEFL Test Format: Paper Based Test

The examination takes about 312 hours to complete. It evaluates your capacity for listening, reading, writing, and grammar. You can take it six times a year at testing facilities where the TOEFL iBT is not offered. It is a paper-based test that requires paper and pencil.


No. of Question

Approx. time

Score Range

Listening Comprehension


30-40 minutes

31 to 68

Structure and Written Expression


25 minutes

31 to 68

 Reading Comprehension


55 minutes

31 to 67

Writing (Test of written English)

1 topic

30 minutes




 310 to 677

  • Your comprehension of North American English is tested during the listening comprehension test.
  • Your ability to recognise language that is appropriate for formal written English is tested by the Structure and Written Expression exam.
  • Your capacity to comprehend non-technical reading material is tested by reading comprehension.

TOEFL Test Score

After five weeks after the test date, results are mailed to the student and the chosen institutions. The ultimate PBT score falls inside the 310 to 677 range. In contrast to the iBT, the Writing section’s score (known as the Test of Written English, or TWE) is presented separately on a scale of 0–6 points, with a good score being 4+.

Validity of TOEFL scores

The validity of the TOEFL score is two years. Typically, colleges and institutions simply take into account the most recent score

Tips andStrategies

  • Interested candidates can enrol in an English language training course that has an emphasis on communication utilising all four abilities and offers integrated information relating to reading, listening, writing, and speaking.
  • You might rely on the internet or think about reading a lot of books and even newspapers to hone your reading skills.
  • While reading, look for important details and underline the 5 Ws and 1 H, or who, what, why, where, when, and how. Regular practise will help you pick up pace and make this exercise second nature.
  • By acquiring new words each day, you can broaden your vocabulary and try to use those words to construct sentences.
  • Make an effort to time yourself with a watch. Try skimming the entire section in search of key information rather than carefully reading it from beginning to end.
  • Create the habit of interpreting and inferring from passages based on their overall significance.
  • Watching movies and television can help you get better at listening.
  • It is also a good idea to constantly listen to a wide variety of different types of information in a variety of subject areas. Various websites, like and, will help you get used to hearing different accents.
  • Focus on word stress, pauses, and intonation patterns as you practise your pronunciation.
  • Work diligently on tenses to ensure proper sentence construction
  • Learn to write in a structured and cohesive manner by selecting one main idea and supporting arguments before you start the essay.
  • Learn the rules for grammar, punctuation, and layout.

TOEFL Test Fees

TOEFL Test Fees: Internet Based Test




US$ 150

Late registration

US$ 25


US$ 50

Reinstatement of canceled TOEFL iBT scores

US$ 20

 Additional score reports (per institution or agency)

 US$ 17 each

 TOEFL iBT Speaking or Writing Section rescore

US$ 60

 TOEFL iBT Speaking and Writing Section rescore

 US$ 120

 Returned personal check (paper or electronic)

 US$ 20


TOEFL Test Fees: Paper Based Test




US$ 140

Additional score reports (per recipient)

US$ 17 each

TOEFL PBT answer sheet rescore

US$ 25

Test of Written English (TWE) essay rescore

US$ 50

Returned personal check

US$ 20


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