Are you feeling stressed about your IELTS exam? We understand how taking an IELTS exam can make you feel. We are going to help you clear it in the first attempt. Just practicing the previous year’s test papers might not be enough, check our exclusive tips below that can help you prepare for your IELTS exam and clear it in the first try:
- Develop a reading habit – Whether you are appearing for Academic IELTS or General IELTS, identifying the main idea of the ‘Reading Section’ passage is important. You need to develop the skill of reading quickly. You can start practicing by reading newspapers and magazines.
- Write every day – To become a good writer you need to understand different writing styles. So read as much as you can. If you are not used to writing daily, start writing in a diary. Once you get the hang of it, move on to write an article or an essay on anything you like. You also need to ensure that your writing is reviewed by a professional so that you can learn about your mistakes and correct them. Our coaching staff can assist you in improving your writing skills. They can guide you to improve your fluency and sequencing skills. To increase your writing speed, you can set a timer aside and track your progress.
- Enhance your vocabulary and grammar– Even though vocabulary is not emphasized much in IELTS to get high scores it is extremely important. Try to learn a new word each day using a dictionary and understand its meaning. Incorporate it in your writing whenever you can. Focus on your grammar skills. If you are enrolled with an IELTS institute in Chandigarh, ask your teachers to help you correct your grammatical mistakes. At home, you can use online grammar-checking tools to write correctly.
- Watch and listen to English content – Normally, we focus more on ‘what to reply’ rather than listening. So it is important to strengthen your listening skills. A simple exercise – Ask your family member or a friend to speak for 5 to 10 minutes while you attentively listen. After listening, give feedback on whatever you understood. The IELTS exam specifically focuses on different accents. So listen to different English content on YouTube. You can also watch British and American television series or movies to understand and differentiate between the accents.
- Don’t feel shy to speak in English – If you are planning to visit an English-speaking country, honing your ‘speaking skills’ is a must. Start by practicing speaking in front of a mirror. Record your voice to check pronunciation and tone of voice. Ask a friend or colleague to communicate with you in English, and be sure to respond in English only. This will boost your confidence and allow you to speak English during your IELTS exam.
Why Choose Sunland Education?
Sunland Education & Immigration Consultants is a well-known IELTS Institute in Chandigarh. We have highly skilled, well-trained staff, who work continuously towards the development of various guiding programs specialized in IELTS and spoken English. We provide substantial individualized student/parent counseling and in-house training for excelling in IELTS.
If you are looking to crack IELTS in the very first attempt opt for Sunland Education & Immigration Consultants the best IELTS Training Institute in Chandigarh, Mohali, and Panchkula.
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