How Can You Get Ready for Your Child’s Studies in the USA?
It’s crucial to comprehend what that means and how it affects your child if you’re an international student preparing to begin your studies or employment in the United States. If you want to give them any chance of success, you must make sure they are properly prepared. The following information will help you prepare your child for academic study in the US:
1. Enroll in a course to learn English:
Depending on your child’s age and whether or not they have any prior language knowledge, the length of their course will vary. However, it should last for at least a year (the average time it takes to prepare for standardized tests).
What proficiency in English is needed? If your child has no prior knowledge of the language, you might want to sign them up for a beginner-level class where they can pick up phrases that they can use right away when they travel to new places or interact with people from other cultures.
In this situation, someone who could explain what they were saying and how best practices should be followed when speaking English with other people nearby might be helpful for both parents and children.
2. Build your study skills:
Establish a regular study time and allot it as early in the day as you can.
Even if it means staying up late or working on the weekend, be disciplined about sticking to your schedule.
In order to identify their areas of weakness and help them strengthen those areas, get them ready to take notes in class and review them afterward.
3. Perform a placement test:
Your child needs to be aware of the various test types used and what each one means when you are preparing them for their studies in the US.
A standardized test called the placement test is used to determine how well your child will do in school. It enables educational institutions to choose the subjects that should be taught at each grade level.
The placement test emphasizes fundamental abilities like language proficiency, arithmetic computation, and reading comprehension (listening).
This standardized test provides an accurate picture of your child’s ability compared to other students’ abilities at different grade levels across the nation. While there may be other factors involved in determining where your child fits into the classroom curriculum (such as their family background),
Select books for your child to read while studying in the US. While some books might be too simple or boring for your child to enjoy, others might be too simple or frustrating for you and your family to read together. Make sure the book is suitable for the reader’s age and imparts valuable life lessons!
To ensure that your children can understand the text they are reading, make sure you can read the words clearly (and maybe even learn how to spell).
Younger children who are still learning how print works should pay special attention to this step because they don’t want their schoolwork to be in vain because they can’t read well enough themselves.
Try reading aloud with them as you go if you can; this will help them understand how challenging learning new things, like languages, can be at times. And if they are having trouble understanding a particular concept, try explaining it in another way, like through cartoons.
4. Meet new people:
Since the United States is a globally integrated nation, you should get to know other foreign students and professionals as soon as you can before you start your studies.
As a result, you and your child will have the opportunity to connect with people who may have experienced similar things and who can educate them on the cultural differences between themselves and other Americans.
You can also go to orientation sessions or campus events where you can meet Americans from different backgrounds than your own as well as professionals in the field of education who can give you useful advice on how to get around in the country, such as how to adjust to their university’s classes or locate off-campus housing if necessary.
International students are expected by US academic institutions to live up to certain social and academic standards. Make sure you give your kid plenty of preparation!
Institutions in the US have a wide range of academic and social expectations. International students typically have the same educational obligations as domestic students, with the added advantage of being able to speak their language (and possibly even take classes in it).
However, there are some distinctions between how universities will assess the performance of a local student and an international one.
The best way for parents or guardians to do this is to talk to their children about what they can expect to see at school, both inside and outside of the classroom, and to suggest ways they can make a positive contribution.
For instance: “Tell me tales about your favorite locations in America.” Or, “I need your assistance to create posters about our neighborhood.”
These kinds of activities not only give kids something entertaining to do in their downtime, but also give them a voice in class discussions, which makes them feel more involved.
“Sunland Education & Immigration Consultants” We are prepared to assist. You can give your child the best start in their new home by adhering to these suggestions. Also, keep in mind that some resources (available through networking) make it simple for people to comprehend how they can participate.